Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pleasure is where you find it

The theme for tonight follows my provocation of who took the pleasure out of life.......the answer no one. It is sometimes we just need to find the pleasurable aspects that are everyday in our lives. Friendship, a glass of superbly made wine, a smile for and from the girl in the shop (very rare) a magnificent sunset many things ! My mother the great philosopher Gwen's in the good book "be thankful for small mercys"! As I have been writing a few blogging thoughts now, it seems to me we can find pleasure in almost anything when we want to. We can decide to look for it or not. It really still is a fantastic world with great opportunities in all the difficulties and it seems a very useful anecdotal phrase that "we get out what we put in".

Epicurus saying of "pleasure is the beginning and end of living happily" is linking the sense with a concept, the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction defines the boundaries of the happiness concept. It would suggest that if you have to search and find pleasure then you will be happy.

I read recently, I can't tell you where but its not from me, that the happiest people are people who care for someone. Caring is really a great concept. If you care what happens you seek pleasure. When you don't care you create pain.

So here is to caring what happens to our family and friends and the planet coz its the greatest pleasure we can have. Here is to caring about who manages our assets and our countries and making sure they do a good job. Getting to care about things has to be a great pleasure. Here is to caring about all the tiny details that create pleasure and making sure we miss no opportunity to care more.
Nice thought for the day.

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