Saturday, September 6, 2008

Economic Woes

Who is to blame for our economic downturn now? Who is to blame for the mortgage and credit crisis and who will pay the bill?

In short men are to blame for being too weak to say no to women who have no idea of the value of anything they want ! What is the amount people should pay for a home? It shouldn't be difficult to work out - building costs per sq ft plus the land? Who makes the land costs? Who is responsible for making a shortage or influencing the price? For so many other things we look around and find out what things really should cost and what is the value and we look carefully and before we buy anything we should know who and what is influencing the price we have to pay!
For sure if we don't buy at the stupid prices then the price will go down !
Clearly if man was man he should say NO when a price is too high ...but what do we do, we try to please our (moaning and bleating) woman who just says everyone is paying that price so we must pay it ! Furthermore because jo bloggs can afford it we can. Totally illogical.
Worst of all of course is the financial system that allows joe bloggs and everyone else to borrow money they can't afford earn incredible commissions then pass the whole thing on as a valuable investment to YOUR own pension fund. You pay friends for ignorance and not finding out the true real value and price for thngs before you buy! It is political will to make you feel rich from the value of your house - a piece of land and bricks should be cheap. Don't be fooled by politicians, property developers, banks and your wife. Your house should never cost you more than 25% of your disposable income. If it does with your parents til the price comes down.

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